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MecaNano session at COMPLAS 2025 on Nanoscale Origins of Plasticity in Modern Nanostructured Materials

September 2 - September 5

A COST MecaNano minisymposia entitled “Nanoscale Origins of Plasticity in Modern Nanostructured Materials” will be organized by J. Guénolé (LEM3, CNRS, France), J. Amodeo (IM2NP, CNRS, France), D. Mordehai (Technion, Israel) and V. Taupin (LEM3, CNRS, France) during COMPLAS 2025, Barcelona. Please visit the conference website for more information. Conference will takes place at Barcelona, Spain, September 2-5, 2025. Please visit https://complas2025.cimne.com/ for abstract submission and registration. Submission deadline is March, 1st.

In the spirit of MecaNano COST Action (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21121), this Minisymposia aims at illuminating the challenges in modelling plasticity in modern nanostructured materials, and in particular:
– Identify and understand size effects and characteristic length scales,
– Discuss simulation challenges to promote the use of the most effective (robustness, highest throughput) techniques.
Simulation technics of interest include, but are not limited to:
– Atomistic (Ab initio and classical potential),
– Continuum/Discrete Dislocation Dynamics,
– Phase field, FFT-based approaches
– Multiscale approaches,
– Machine learning / data-driven approaches.
Thanks to the support of the MecaNano COST Action network, financial support (registration, travel, etc.) can be provided to successful applicants at this Minisymposium.
Eligible applicant are from COST member countries: more specifically for Integration Target Countries (ITC) and for Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI).
The call Conference Grants will soon open on the MecaNano website: https://mecanano.com/
The abstract submission deadline is on March, 1st, 2025 but feel free to contact us for any information or if you plan to participate to this MS.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona!


September 2
September 5
Event Categories:
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Barcelona, Spain
Plaça d'Eusebi Güell, 6
Barcelona, 08034 Spain
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