WG3: Open Research Data Management
Open Research Data management The Action will introduce the stakeholders to effective and purposeful handling of research data, as well as open access sharing.
Task 3.1 Introduce the FAIR data concept to the stakeholders (milestone 3)
Task 3.2 Benchmark open data repositories currently under development in the ERA
Task 3.3 Promote harmonization of national efforts in defining standards for open data sharing of nanomechanical data.
Upcoming WG3 Events :
There are no upcoming events at this time
A Crash Course in Research Data Management with MecaNano
The MecaNano WG3 held their first workshop on research data management (RDM) in at RWTH Aachen Gästehaus at the end of September (26-27th). Ulrich Kerzel and Volker Hofmann organized the two-day event full of presentations, active discussions, and tasty cakes to introduce or further advance participants’ knowledge about RDM within the material sciences. The workshop had about 25 participants representing 15 of the MecaNano countries. The talks from a variety of speakers included topics on why we need RDM, how to structure data and use ontologies, available RDM platforms, FAIR data, and how to start to think about implementing RDM at one’s home institute.
The two-day workshop was a great introduction into RDM, its importance for the future, and how to start FAIR data policies. Every participant could take away new information no matter what level in the RDM chain they were at before the workshop.
The in-person workshop was followed by a virtual event with zoom held on 1. December. Katharina Grünwald gave a presentation and introduction on creating a research data management plan. The presentation will be made available in early 2024. Several presentations from the in-person event are now available at the MecaNano website to members (Sub-page Users – Repository). Please note, the MecaNano webpage uses a different login than the e-COST MecaNano.
Online Seminar WG3: ELNs in Material Science and Materials Mechanics
In this seminar series users and/or developers of different electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) that are used in the domain of Material Science and Engineering will introduce “their” ELN. The aim is to get an overview of the respective software, who application in everyday workflows, point out strengths and maybe touch upon weaknesses. Following a ~ 30 min presentation and/or demo we aim to allocate some time for open discussions and Q&A with the presenters.
The seminar aims at scientists that would like to digitize the documentation of their research and are at a point where they need to choose betwen different RDM systems and ELNs. Participants will get some 1st hand information from users and developers and will have the chance to ask additional questions that might be applicable to their situation. There is no prior knowledge required to participate in the seminar series.
Currently the following dates are confirmed:
- April 17th 11 am:
- Hüseyin Uzun (https://orcid.org/0009-0005-4968-3564; University of Frankfurt)
- ELabFTW (https://www.deltablot.com/)
- May 22nd 11 am:
- Fabian Kirchner (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon)
- Herbie ELN (https://codebase.helmholtz.cloud/hereon-mb/herbie)
- June 26th 11 am :
- Hanna Tsybenko (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7691-2856; Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
- Pasta ELN (https://pypi.org/project/pasta-eln/)
- September 4th 11 am:
- Rostyslav Kuzyakiv (ETH Zürich)
- openBis (https://openbis.ch/)
- October 30th 11 am:
- Nico Brandt (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3860-1376) and Johannes Steinhülb (both: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Kadi4Mat: Insights into an interoperable research data infrastructure (https://kadi.iam.kit.edu/)
Information regarding the specific ELNs can also be found in the ELN finder (https://eln-finder.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/home)
Videos of all of the online seminars can be found for MecaNano members under: Users-Repository

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kerzel
Fakultät für Georessourcen und Materialtechnik
RWTH Aachen University
Kopernikusstrasse 14
52074 Aachen
Raum E06

Dr. Volker Hofmann
Institute for Advanced Simulation
Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Technologiezentrum am Europaplatz
Dennewartstr. 25-28
52068 Aachen
email: v.hofmann@fz-juelich.de

Past WG3 Events :
First topical MecaNano workshop on Research Data Management
Research Data Management (RDM) addresses crucial cornerstones of modern research. On one hand, ever increasing complexity in our experiments mean that we need to improve the way we track our experimental samples, the experiments we conduct and the machines and tools we use at each step. The resulting data needs to be organised such that ... Read more
Aachen, 52062 Germany
WG3 online seminar
In this seminar series users and/or developers of different electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) that are used in the domain of Material Science and Engineering will introduce “their” ELN. The aim is to get an overview of the respective software, who application in everyday workflows, point out strengths and maybe touch upon weaknesses. Following a ~ ... Read more
WG3 online seminar
In this seminar series users and/or developers of different electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) that are used in the domain of Material Science and Engineering will introduce “their” ELN. The aim is to get an overview of the respective software, who application in everyday workflows, point out strengths and maybe touch upon weaknesses. Following a ~ ... Read more
WG3 online seminar
In this seminar series users and/or developers of different electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) that are used in the domain of Material Science and Engineering will introduce “their” ELN. The aim is to get an overview of the respective software, who application in everyday workflows, point out strengths and maybe touch upon weaknesses. Following a ~ ... Read more
WG3 online seminar
In this seminar series users and/or developers of different electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) that are used in the domain of Material Science and Engineering will introduce “their” ELN. The aim is to get an overview of the respective software, who application in everyday workflows, point out strengths and maybe touch upon weaknesses. Following a ~ ... Read more