Call for abstracts for D3 symposium “Mechanics Characterization and Modelling” at Euromat 2025 in Granada / Spain

The organizers are thrilled to invite you to join the “D3 Mechanics Characterization and Modelling” symposium at Euromat 2025, taking place from September 14–18 in Granada, Spain! This symposium builds upon the success of the previous Euromat 2023 symposium, which had already been endorsed by MecaNano. We are looking forward to a great continuation this year!

The organizers are looking foward to you, your coworkers, and your students to submit abstracts on basically any topic encompassed in MecaNano. The deadline to submit is January 31st, so don’t miss out!

We also would like to highlight our poster session. It is a fantastic way for young researchers to gain a foothold in such an international conference and explore new ideas and collaborations.

You can find all the details about abstract submissions here:

We can’t wait to welcome you under the sunny skies of Andalusia—let’s make this symposium an unforgettable one! Flyer Euromat 2025 Symposium D3

Reminder: Conference Grants

MecaNano has allocated a small budget to support members in need of financial assistance for traveling to one of the international conferences endorsed by the network. This conference and participation in this minisymposium is one of the eligible conferences for MecaNano members that can identify as ITC or YRI. More details coming soon!