WG1-2 Second Pitching Event Oct. 5 and 11

As advertised earlier this summer, working group (WG) 1 on “Size Effect” and WG 2 on “Experimental and Simulation Challenges” of the MecaNano Cost Action are organizing a further online Pitching Event on October 5th, 2023, from 10:15 to 12:00 am and October 11th from 9:30 – 11:30.

We received several applications via the google form and you can find the preliminary program attached. This time we scheduled 7 min presentation time followed by a 3 min discussion round. The purpose of the event is to connect researchers on every level working on similar topics. The link for the online event was sent to all WG1-2 members from info@mecanano.com.

For MecaNano members presenting, please use presentation template sent in the information email for your introduction.

REMEMBER: Any MecaNano member can attend the event and participate in the discussions. Presenting is NOT a requirement to participate.

The program can be found here.