MecaNano SECOND online Pitching Event for WG1 & WG2

After the great success of the first pitching events end of June, working group (WG) 1 on “Size Effect” and WG 2 on “Experimental and Simulation Challenges” of the MecaNano Cost Action are continuing to organize these connecting events.
We, again, invite you to present yourself, your work, and your expectations for participating in the MecaNano Cost Action. Generally everything follows a dynamic format: ~ 5-minute presentation followed by ~ 5-minute discussion. The purpose of the event is to connect researchers on every level working on similar topics.

You are warmly invited to submit your application to participate by providing us with the following information by 15. August:

We will continuously collect the applications and plan the next 2hr online event, after the 15. August deadline.

Please note, anyone from the MecaNano network will be able to view the event (the link will be sent to all WG1 & WG2 members), the online form is for MecaNano members to PRESENT.

Direct any questions to